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All Natural & Organic plant-based 


U.O.U plant-based Butters are comprised of excellent emollient properties, botanical oils, enrich proteins and fatty acids that nourish, hydrate and moisturize.
 U.O.U butters are All Natural, USDA Organic, Certified Vegan, Certified Kosher.

Our recommended picks for growing and maintaining full, thick healthy beards: 

Sweet Almond Butter

Coconut Butter

Kukai Nut Butter

Shea Butter

Butter Blends 


Not sure which body butter to choose, BLEND IT! You now have the option to blend any body butter combination to create that perfect "Butter Blend" just for YOU!

Natural Skincare

Product Description




Sweet Almond Butter: (Beard+Body)

A blend of sweet Almond Oil and non-GMO soy butter enriched in omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, D and E. Excellent in nourishing, hydrating and moisturizing dry skin, face, hair and body. Smooth, creamy, non-greasy texture. Mild to no scent.


Aloe Butter: 

A rich blend of Aloe and non-GMO Soy Butter. Excellent in soothing dry skin and minor skin irritation. Smooth texture. Mild to no scent.


Avocado Butter:  

A blend of Avocado Oil and non-GMO Soy butter. Enriched with antioxidants, Vitamins A, B, and E. Excellent in nourishing, hydrating and moisturizing face, hair and body. Smooth texture. Mild to no scent.


Coconut Butter: (Beard+Body)

A blend of 100% organic extra virgin Coconut Oil and non-GMO Soy Butter. Enriched with antioxidants and minerals in rejuvenating the appearance of dry or damaged skin. Excellent in nourishing and moisturizing face, hair and body. Soft texture. Mild to medium natural coconut scent.


Hemp Seed Butter: 

A blend of Hemp Seed Oil and non-GMO soy butter. Hemp Seed Oil produced from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) contains 21 amino acids, 24% protein and a balance of essential fatty acids. Excellent in hydrating and moisturizing both dry and oily skin. Smooth, creamy and non-greasy texture. Very mild-no scent. 


Kukai Nut Butter: (Beard+Body)

A blend of 100% pure unrefined Kukui Nut Oil and non-GMO Soy Butter. Enriched with natural fatty acids, antioxidants, Vitamins A, C, and E with reviving and anti-aging benefits, and emollients that help fortify and shield the skin from excessive water loss and damage from external elements. Excellent in hydrating, nourishing and moisturizing dry skin, face, hair and body. Soft creamy texture. Mild to no scent.


Oat Butter: 

A soothing blend of rich, silky Oat Oil and non-GMO Soy Butter. Excellent for dry, flaky and sensitive skin. Soft smooth texture. Mild to no scent.


Shea Butter: (Beard+Body)

Extracted from the Shea Nut in Ghana. Enriched with vitamins A, E and F, a natural moisturizer for its skin protecting and nourishing emollient properties. Excellent in nourishing, hydrating and moisturizing dry skin, face, hair and body. Smooth texture. Mild to no scent.

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